Kostenlose Lieferung und einfache Rückgabe
- Größentabelle
- Terms and Conditions for Sale and Delivery
- Terms of site use
- Retournieren Ihrer Ware
Liebe/r ECCO Kundin/Kunde,
Wir bei ECCO ergreifen Maßnahmen, um in diesen außergewöhnlichen Zeiten gesund und positiv gestimmt zu bleiben.
Wir haben all unsere Stores geschlossen, doch Sie können die gesamte Kollektion ganz komfortabel und sicher von zu Hause aus in unserem Onlineshop bestellen.
Wenn Sie Fragen haben zögern Sie bitte nicht unsere Kundenbetreuung zu kontaktieren. Wir geben Ihne gerne Auskunft.
Bitte passen Sie auf sich auf und bleiben Sie gesund,
Ihr ECCO Team
Wie kann ich eine Rückgabe vornehmen?
- Artikel müssen innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Erhalt zurückgegeben werden.
- Artikel müssen mit allen ursprünglichen Etiketten versehen sein.
- Artikel dürfen keine Gebrauchsspuren durch Tragen, Ändern oder Waschen aufzeigen.
- Schuhe müssen im originalen Schuhkarton in ihrem ursprünglichen Zustand ohne Postetiketten verpackt sein.
- Nach Hause gelieferte Bestellungen können postalisch oder in einem ECCO-Store in Ihrer Nähe zurückgegeben werden.
- In einem Store abgeholte Artikel können in ausgewählten ECCO-Stores oder durch Beantragen einer Rücksendung in unserem Retourenportal zurückgegeben werden.
- In ECCO-Stores aufgegebene Bestellungen können ausschließlich in ausgewählten ECCO-Stores zurückgegeben werden.
Wie gebe ich durch Versandunternehmen zugestellte Artikel zurück?
Über Post:
- Schritt 1: Verpacken Sie die Artikel im originalen Schuhkarton ohne jegliche Postetiketten.
- Schritt 2: Melden Sie sich in unserem Retourenportal an. Sie benötigen Ihre Bestellnummer und E-Mail-Adresse. Die Bestellnummer finden Sie in der Bestellbestätigungsmail.
- Schritt 3: Drucken Sie das über das Portal erstellte Etikett zuhause aus. Sie finden das Etikett außerdem in der Retourenbestätigung, die Sie nach Beantragen der Rücksendung über das Portal per E-Mail erhalten.
- Schritt 4: Kleben Sie das Retourenetikett auf ihr Paket (bitte kleben Sie das Etikett nicht auf den originalen Schuhkarton). Das Entgelt zahlen wir. Das Paket kann nun verschickt werden.
- Schritt 5: Bringen Sie das Paket zu einer Annahmestelle in Ihrer Nähe.
- Schritt 6: Behalten Sie die Rücksendungsverfolgung im Auge. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail/SMS, sobald wir Ihre zurückgeschickten Artikel erhalten haben.
In einer Filiale:
Bringen Sie Ihr Päckchen zu einem ECCO-Store in Ihrer Nähe. Wenn es sich um eine Onlinebestellung handelt, halten Sie bitte Ihre Bestellnummer (SO-XXXXXX) für unsere Mitarbeitenden bereit. Die Bestellnummer finden Sie in der Bestellbestätigungsmail.
Wie gebe ich in einem ECCO-Store abgeholte Artikel zurück?
In einer Filiale:
Bringen Sie Ihr Päckchen zu einem ECCO-Store in Ihrer Nähe. Wenn es sich um eine Onlinebestellung handelt, halten Sie bitte Ihre Bestellnummer (SO-XXXXXX) für unsere Mitarbeitenden bereit. Die Bestellnummer finden Sie in der Bestellbestätigungsmail. Sie können Ihr Päckchen auch durch Erstellen eines Etiketts in unserem Retourenportal zurückschicken.
Weitere Informationen zu Rücksendungen finden Sie in unserem Rückgaberecht.
Sie können Ihre Rücksendung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Veröffentlichung auf der Webseite des Kuriers nachverfolgen.
Die Versandnummer finden Sie auf dem Rücksendeaufkleber über dem Barcode.
Haben sie meine Rückgabe erhalten?
Wann erhalte ich meine Rückerstattung?
Rückerstattungen werden innerhalb von 3 Tagen verarbeitet, nachdem wir Ihre Artikel im Warenhaus erhalten haben. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es 5 - 10 Werktage dauern kann, bis die Rückerstattung auf Ihrem Bankkontoauszug erscheint. Dies hängt von Ihrem Kartenaussteller ab und liegt außerhalb unserer Kontrolle.
Wir werden Ihre Rückerstattung auf die gleiche Karte gut schreiben, mit der Sie Ihre Bestellung aufgegeben haben. Sollte dies nicht möglich sein (d. h. wenn die Karte abgelehnt, storniert wurde oder abgelaufen ist), kontaktieren Sie bitte die ECCO-Kundenbetreuung und wir werden Ihnen das Geld über eine Banküberweisung zurück erstatten.
Kann ich meine Bestellung ändern oder stornieren?
Sobald wir Ihre Bestellung erhalten haben, wird sie umgehend verarbeitet, um eine schnelle Lieferung zu gewährleisten. Sobald Sie Ihre Versandbestätigung erhalten haben, ist es nicht mehr möglich, Ihre Bestellung zu ändern oder zu stornieren.
Falls Sie Artikel aus Ihrer Bestellung retournieren wollen, halten Sie sich bitte an die Hinweise zur Registrierung Ihrer Rücksendung im Paket oder sehen Sie sich hier unsere Rückgabehinweise an.
Kann ich die Sendung meiner Bestellung verfolgen?
Sie können Ihre Bestellung mithilfe der Sendungsnummer verfolgen, die in der Versandbestätigungs-E-Mail "Ihre Bestellung wurde versandt" enthalten ist. Es kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern, bevor Sie die Bestellung über das POST AT-Tracking verfolgen können.
Wurde meine Bestellung versandt?
Wann wird meine Bestellung geliefert?
Wir bemühen uns, Ihre Bestellung am Tag des Eingangs vorzubereiten.
1. Lieferung zu Ihnen nach Hause
Die erwartete Lieferzeit beträgt 3 bis 5 Werktage.
Sie können Ihre Bestellung anhand der Nummer der Sendung verfolgen, die Sie in der Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit dem Titel "Ihre Bestellung ist bereits unterwegs" finden. Von dem Moment an, wo die Sendung aus dem ECCO Lager verschickt wird, bis zu dem Moment, an dem die Bestellung im Trackingsystem des Spediteurs sichtbar wird, können bis zu 24 Stunden vergehen.
Um Ihre Bestellung zu verfolgen, klicken Sie hier.
2. Abholung im Geschäft
Die voraussichtliche Dauer Ihrer Bestellung beträgt 3 bis 4 Werktage. Wenn Ihre Bestellung zur Abholung bereit ist, werden Sie per E-Mail benachrichtigt.
Wie hoch sind die Versandkosten?
Wie hoch sind die Rücksendekosten?
Liefern Sie an Paketstationen?
Aus Sicherheitsgründen liefern wir nicht an Paketstationen.
An wen sollte ich mich bei Fragen in Bezug auf Produkte, die in einem lokalen ECCO-Store gekauft wurden, wenden?
Bei Fragen zu Produkten, die in lokalen ECCO-Geschäften gekauft wurden, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Verkaufsstelle, bei der Sie Ihr Produkt gekauft haben. Das Filialpersonal wird Sie bestmöglich unterstützen.
Wie finde ich meine Schuhgröße?
Ich suche einen bestimmten Artikel
Können Sie mehr Informationen über ein Produkt zur Verfügung stellen?
Die Produktseite für jeden Artikel beinhaltet eine Beschreibung und Bilder. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte die ECCO-Kundenbetreuung.
Wie verwende ich meinen Gutscheincode?
Sie verwenden einen Gutscheincode, indem Sie ihn in das entsprechende Feld in "Ihr Warenkorb" eingeben, bevor Sie auschecken. Weitere Informationen zur Aktion finden Sie in dem Haftungsausschluss, der dem Code beigefügt ist.
Wie beinflussen Gutscheincodes mein Recht, eine Bestellung zurückzugeben?
Sie können Ihre Bestellung innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurücksenden. Wenn auf Ihre ursprüngliche Bestellung ein Gutscheincode angewandt wurde, wird Ihr Rückerstattungsbetrag entsprechend angepasst. Wir können Gutscheincodes nicht erneut einlösen.
Wo finde ich meine Rechnung?
Ihre Rechnung wird der Versandbestätigungs-E-Mail "Ihre Bestellung wurde versandt" beigefügt, sobald Ihre Bestellung von unserem Warenhaus versandt wurde.
Ich habe eine Mahnung erhalten, obwohl ich die Rechnung bereits bezahlt habe
Es kann vorkommen, dass eine Mahnung versandt wird, bevor Ihre Zahlung gut geschrieben wurde. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob Klarna Ihre Zahlung erhalten hat, wenden Sie sich bitte telefonisch (Tel.: 0720 56 8111) an Klarna.
Ich habe eine Mahnung erhalten, obwohl ich den Artikel/die Artikel zurückgegeben habe.
Es kann vorkommen, dass eine Mahnung versandt wird, bevor Ihre Rückgabe verzeichnet wurde. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Klarna, um sie über Ihre Rücksendung (Tel.: 0720 56 8111) zu informieren.
Ich habe allgemeine Fragen zu meiner Klarna-Rechnung
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Klarna telefonisch (Tel.: 0720 56 8111).
Wie bezahle ich für meine Bestellung?
Wir bieten die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden an:
per Kreditkarte (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro),
Klarna Rechnungskauf,
Ist eine Bestellung über Telefon möglich?
Wann ist der Kaufbetrag fällig?
Bei Zahlung per Kreditkarte ist der volle Betrag Ihrer Bestellung auf Ihrem Konto reserviert. Der Kaufbetrag wird von Ihrer Karte abgebucht, sobald die Bestellung versandt wurde.
Wenn Sie mit Klarna bezahlen, erhalten Sie eine Rechnung von Klarna mit 30 Tagen Fälligkeit.
Was passiert, wenn ich eine Ware zurücksende, die mit PayPal bezahlt wurde?
Welche Zahlungsbestätigung erhalte ich in der E-Mail von Pay-Pal?
Muss ich Zoll- und Einfuhrgebühren bezahlen?
Nein. Alle Zoll- und Einfuhrgebühren sind im Preis Ihrer Bestellung enthalten.
Wie lange steht die Bestellung zur Abholung bereit?
Ihre bereits bezahlte Bestellung steht 7 Werktage ab Auslieferung bereit.
Wie kann ich mich für Ihren Newsletter anmelden?
Was ist MY ECCO?
Das MY ECCO-Konto bietet die folgenden Möglichkeiten:
• Zugriff auf detaillierte Informationen zu Ihren aktuellen und vorherigen Bestellungen
• Speichern Sie Ihre Lieblingsprodukte
• Speichern Sie Ihre Daten, um Ihren nächsten Einkauf zu erleichtern
• Möglichkeit, den Newsletter zu abonnieren
Wie kann ich den Newsletter abbestellen?
Ist es sicher, online zu bestellen?
Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Einkaufserlebnis gesichert, einfach und sicher ist, verwendet unser ECCO Online-Shop die branchenübliche Secure Socket Layers-Technologie(SSL).
Unser ECCO Online Shop unterstützt das Visa / MasterCard 3D Secure Protokoll. Ihre Verbindung ist bei uns immer sicher und verschlüsselt mit einer 256-Bit-Chiffre. Aus Sicherheitsgründen speichern wir keine Zahlungsinformationen in unserer Datenbank.
Wenn Sie sich das Standortfeld (URL) im oberen Bereich des Browsers beim Auschecken ansehen, sehen Sie, dass es mit ""https: //"" anstelle des normalen ""http: //"" beginnt. Dies zeigt an, dass Sie sich im sicheren Modus befinden.
Wie kann ich meine ECCO Schuhe pflegen?
In drei einfachen Schritten: Mit Hilfe von Reinigung, Pflege und Schutz verlängern Sie das Erscheinungsbild Ihrer Schuhe.
Wenn Sie Ihre Schuhe mit unseren wasserbasierten Reinigungsprodukten reinigen, entfernen Sie effektiv Schmutz und beleben das Leder, während Sie gleichzeitig das Produkt auffrischen. Sehen Sie sich die gesamte Kollektion von Reinigungsprodukten an.
Pflegeprodukte pflegen, befeuchten und verbessern die Elastizität des Leders. Die Pflegeprodukte geben den Schuhen wieder Glanz und verhindern das Austrocknen des Leders. Sehen Sie sich die gesamte Kollektion von Pflegeprodukten an.
Beenden Sie die Pflegeroutine mit einem unserer schützenden Produkte, um das Leder vor rauen Wetterbedingungen und vor Flecken zu schützen. Sehen Sie sich die gesamte PROTECT-Produktpalette an.
Um die perfekten Clean-Care-Protect-Produkte für Ihre Schuhe zu finden, beachten Sie bitte die Produktempfehlungen auf unserer Webseite, wenn Sie die gewünschten Schuhe in den Warenkorb legen oder kontaktieren Sie unsere Kundenbetreuung unter Angabe der Modellbezeichnung und der Artikelnummer Ihrer Schuhe. Wir werden Ihnen eine individuelle Pflegeempfehlung zur Verfügung stellen.
Kann ich einen Artikel umtauschen?
Sie können die Bestellung entweder gleich erstellen oder auf die Rückerstattung für die zurückgegebene Bestellung warten. Wir empfehlen jedoch, die neue Bestellung so schnell wie möglich zu platzieren, da wir in unserem System Artikel nicht reservieren können.
Terms and Conditions for Sale and Delivery
Terms and Conditions for Sale and Delivery (T&C´s)
Subject to these T&C´s,
KRM (Austria) GmBH
Jordangasse 7
1010 Vienna
VAT : ATU66913316
Tax Nr. 205/1978
Company Registration no: Vienna - FN 372189
Telephone no. (customer care no.) +43 12 67 58 77 010 (free of charge)
Email: (customer care email) kundenbetreuung.at@eu.ecco.com
(referred to herein as "KRM," "we," "us" and "our") a subsidiary of KRM AG and part of the ECCO Group hereby offers to sell and deliver our products displayed on this Website to you. By placing an order you are agreeing to the T&C´s.
These T&C´s are available at a link at the bottom of each page on the Web Site. You may review or print out the T&C´s at any time free of charge and they are also sent with each order confirmation and invoice. We reserve the right to change the T&C´ at any time for all future orders.
- Purchasing Products and Returns
1.1. Products
The products we sell online are displayed on this Website and include but are not limited to footwear, bags and shoe care products.
1.2. Purchasing
By placing an order and clicking the button “I order and pay” you are offering to purchase a product on and subject to the following T&C´s. All orders are subject to availability and confirmation thereof as there may be rare occasions where for example two orders are placed for the exact same product and only one is available to send.
We try to dispatch and deliver to you the ordered goods as soon as possible. Dispatch times may, however, vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure.
In order to contract with us you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card. If your order is accepted, we will inform you by email. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorised user of the credit card, debit card or other payment method used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods.
1.3. Our Contract
When you place an order, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your order. This email will only be an acknowledgement that we have received your offering to purchase a product and is not an acceptance of your order. A contract between us for the purchase of the goods will not be formed until your order is ready to be shipped at which time we send you an order confirmation as well as the invoice and shipment information. The contract is concluded at the moment when we send you an order confirmation. We will not charge your card with any amount before shipping your products, however an amount may be reserved on your card in order to ensure sufficient funds to cover the payment.
You accept that all communication regarding the order including order confirmation, invoice, shipping information, confirmation of the contract conclusion and potentially credit invoice etc. is done via e-mail from our side.
1.4. Prices
All prices of the products available on the Web Site are provided in EUR and include VAT (gross amounts).
1.5. Payment
The data of the payment method that you wish to use for payment should be provided to us when placing an order on the Web Site. Upon receiving your order we carry out a standard pre-authorisation for credit or debit cards and for bank transfer we do a control check. We do this to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfil the transaction. Products will not be dispatched until this pre-authorisation check and control have been completed.
We accept the following cards: Visa and Mastercard. When paying with credit or debit card, the full amount is reserved on your account by us and payment is debited from your card only at the time of dispatch of your products.
For bank transfers your account will be debited as soon as the order has been placed.
Your connection is always secure with us and encrypted with 256 bit cipher. We use 3D Secure Visa and Mastercard. For security reasons, we do not store any payment information in our database.
All fees and charges related to the above payment methods are covered by us.
1.6. Discount Codes
We may from time to time offer promotional discount codes, which may apply in respect of any, or certain specified, purchases made though this Website.
The conditions of potential use relating to any discount code will be specified at the time of issue.
1.7. Delivery
All products purchased from the Web Site are delivered pursuant to a shipment agreement. Service provider is POST AT. Accordingly, the risk of loss and title to such purchased products passes to you upon delivery to you at the designated address. Delivery will be made within 3-4 business days after your order has been confirmed. The time required for the ordered goods to be delivered to you includes the time necessary to prepare the ordered goods for shipment and the time of delivery of the goods by POST AT.
We only ship within Austria (please see overview of restrictions to this) and if you wish to have our products delivered in another country please go the website of that particular country.
We deliver free of charge.
1.8. Descriptions
We attempt to describe our products as accurately as possible. However, errors do occur. If a product purchased on the Web Site does not conform to the product description or wary slightly from the pictures, you may return the unused product to us.
1.9. Cancellations and returns
You may cancel an order up until the time of dispatch by contacting our Customer Care at number +43 12 67 58 77 010. If payment of the full amount has been made this will be refunded to you via the original method of payment.
When you shop with us, we want you to be completely satisfied. If you are not satisfied with a purchase made at the Web Site, you may withdraw from the contract concluded with us and return the ordered goods for a refund of the purchase price. We can only accept returns purchased through this Web Site. All purchases made through another ECCO sales point must be returned to the original place of purchase.
Just return your unused and unworn item to us within 30 days upon receipt of the item at:
KRM (Polska) sp. z o.o.
Bokserska 66A, 02-690
The deadline of 30 days is counted from the date when the ordered goods have been delivered to you.
Your statement on the withdrawal from our contract may be sent to us in any form and by any mean of correspondence within 15 days of receipt of the products. You may also use the specimen return form at the end of these Terms of Use or use the one in the package your products came in. You should also return the goods acquired by the withdrawn contract within 15 days counted from the date of the withdrawal you have sent to us.
We will reimburse the purchase price of the goods being subject to the withdrawn contract not later than within 15 days counted from the date when we obtain your statement on withdrawal. Please note, however, that we may suspend the reimbursement until we receive the returned goods.
In order to speed up the return the reimbursement of the purchase price you may also apply our return procedure:
How (easiest) to return an item
Step 1: Complete the return form by checking the appropriate box with the reason for your return if you wish to inform us why you are returning the products. A return form is also available at the end of these Terms.
Step 2: Place the return form inside the box with the products.
Step 3: Send this form with the products you wish to return.
Step 4: Stick the prepaid return label on your box (Please do not stick the prepaid return label on the original shoebox.)
Step 5: Deliver the package to your closest POST AT. You may find the closest drop off location at: https://www.post.at/#
Returns may take time
It can take approximately 10 days for us to receive your return to our warehouse. We strongly encourage you to use our prepaid return label included in the parcel and to keep your receipt as proof of postage.
Your refund will be processed in the original form of payment within 3-7 business days, as soon as we have received your goods in the warehouse. You will be notified via email when this transaction has taken place.
Your banking institution may require additional days to process and post the “return” transaction to your account once they have received the information from us.
Please note that if you do not use the provided prepaid return label, you are responsible for the goods until they reach our warehouse.
If you do not use the provided prepaid return label in order to return the goods, you are obliged to cover the direct costs of the goods returning. We are responsible for return shipping costs if we have sent wrong or defective goods.
The returned goods should not be used in the manner not necessary to verify their character, features and functionality. You may try on the products, but you should not wear them. If you return a used, worn or washed item that is not approved by our quality control, we cannot send the item back to you. You are responsible for the decrease of value of the returned products.
If you receive a defective/wrong item or a damaged parcel with missing items the easiest way to handle this is if we get photographic evidence of this. Please send a photo to us at our Customer Care team so we can investigate further. We are responsible for a return of a defective/wrong item.
Based on your return instructions in the return form, we will issue you a credit to your card. We can only issue credit to the same card used for the purchase. We do not have title to the returned products until the item arrives at our returns department.
If you have any questions about our returns process, please contact Customer Care.
2. Product Warranty and claim handling
2.1. Claims
We are obliged to deliver to you the ordered goods free of any defects.
In case the ordered goods have defects, you have the right to:
• file a declaration on a reduction of the price;
• withdraw from the contract;
• demand exchange of the defective product for a product free from defects;
• demand from the seller to immediately remove the defects.
The right to file a declaration on a reduction of price or withdrawal from the contact does not apply in case when we immediately and with no excessive inconveniences exchange the defective product for one free from defects or immediately remove the defect. This limitation, in turn, does not apply where the product has already been exchanged or repaired by us, or we have not discharged the duty of exchanging the product for one free from defects or removing the defect.
You may request a replacement for a product free from defects rather than removal of the defect proposed by the seller, or request the removal of the defect instead of replacement for a product free from defects proposed by the seller.
If it is impossible to remove the defect and to bring the product to conformity with the contract in a manner chosen by you or it involves excessive costs in comparison with the manner proposed by us, we may replace the defective product for a product free from defects regardless of your request in this respect.
If you have a complaint regarding the products you have received please contact our Customer Care and they will inform you how to proceed and what information we need in order for us to process your complaint.
We will confirm the receipt of your claim and respond to your request in this respect within 14 days.
2.2. Warranty
We are responsible for the product defects if they are detected before the lapse of two years counted from the date when the product was delivered to your address. Your claim for the removal of the defect or replacement of the product sold for one free from defects is limited to one year, counting from the date of detecting the defect; however, the above limitation period may not cease to run before the elapse of the two years period counted from the date of delivery of the product. Your right to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the price due to the products’ defects is also limited to one year counted from the date of detecting the defect; however, if you have requested replacement of the product for one free from defects or removal of the defect, the time limit to submit the declaration on withdrawal from the contract or reduction of the price begins to run upon ineffective lapse of the time limit for exchange of the product or removal of the defect.
3. Governing Law and venue
These T&Cs and your purchase shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Austria. A printed version of these T&C´s will be admissible in judicial and administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these T&C´s to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these T&C´s or your purchase of any products from the Web site shall be settled by the competent courts of Austria
4. Alternative methods of dispute resolution
Using alternative methods of dispute resolution is voluntary. The below provisions have only informative character and do not constitute any obligation neither for you nor for KRM.
If we fail to find a satisfactory solution to a complaint from you, you can lodge a complaint with europakonsument.at if conditions are met. You may also use the European Commission online dispute resolution here to register your complaint. This portal can be relevant when living in another EU-country. When filling in a complaint, please enter our e-mail address legal@krm.ag
As a consumer you also have the right to seek extrajudicial procedures if we do not agree with you regarding your complaint. You then have the right to ask for intervention of a neutral entity such as a mediator, consumer advocate, social organization etc. You can contact: europakonsument.at
5. Remedies for Breach of these Terms by You
Without limiting any other rights or remedies, in the event that KRM determines, that you have breached any portion of these T&C´s, or have otherwise demonstrated inappropriate conduct, KRM reserves the right, in particular, to (i) warn you via e-mail that you have violated these T&C´s (ii)cancel any orders and not allow new orders to be placed; (iii) discontinue your access to the Web Site, (iv) notify and/or send content to and/or fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities for further action;.
If your ability to access and/or use the Web Site or any other service provided to you by KRM is discontinued by us hereunder, then you agree that you shall not attempt to re-register with or access the Web Site, any other service provided by KRM, through use of a different member name or otherwise.
6. Miscellaneous
In the event that any provision of these T&C´s conflicts with applicable law, rule, regulation or order or if any provision is held invalid by a court with competent jurisdiction, then the issue regulated by such invalid provision will be settled in the manner that would take into account your interests., and the remainder of these T&C´s will remain in full force and effect..
7. Contact Us
We welcome your comments and questions. Please contact us at:
Telephone no. (customer care no.) +43 12 67 58 77 010 (free of charge)
Email: (customer care email) kundenbetreuung.at@eu.ecco.com
8. Standard return form
(This form is to be completed and returned if the right to withdraw from an order is requested)
KRM (Polska) sp. z o.o.
Bokserska 66A, 02-690
Telephone: +43 12 67 58 77 010
E-mail : kundenbetreuung.at@eu.ecco.com
I/we hereby wish to use the right to cancel my purchase and return the following products from:
Order date /Received:
Customers name (Customers names):
Customers address (Customers addresses):
Customers signature (Customers signatures) (only if the form is concluded on paper)
(*) The parts not applicable are to be crossed out
Terms of site use
Terms and Conditions for Use of website (Terms of Use)
Subject to these Terms of Use, KRM AG, Rothausstrasse 17, 6331 Hünenberg, Switzerland, company registration number CHE- (referred to herein as "KRM," "we," "us" and "our") provides you with access to our web sites, including without limitation http://at.ecco.com (each referred to herein as the "Web Site" and collectively referred to as the "Web Sites").
KRM reserves the right to take any such action as it deems necessary in the event that it suspects any fraudulent or unlawful activity, including without limitation, terminating access to the Web Site, terminating any accounts and/or cancelling any order for products.
1. Acceptance of Terms of Use
These Terms of Use are available at a link at the bottom of each page on the Web Site. You may review or print out the Terms of Use at any time free of charge. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use in particular in the following cases:
There has been a change of provisions of law regarding performing services by electronic means and the change influences the rights and obligations resulting from our contract or the interpretation of these provisions have changed due to the issuance of the courts’ verdicts or other relevant authorities decisions;
The method of performing services by us has changed due to technical or technological requirements;
The scope or method of performing services by us has changed due to implementation, modification or withdrawal of particular functionalities or services provided by this Terms of Use.
In case of the change of these Terms of Use its consolidated text will be each time made available on the Web Site. Please check these Terms of Use before using the Web Site to determine whether a change has been made in comparison to the text applicable during your last visit. Your continuing access to or use of the Web Site confirms your unconditional acceptance of the then-current Terms of Use in their entirety. If you do not agree to the changes in the Terms of Use as they occur, you should exit and not use the Web Site.
All registered users will be notified about any amendments to the using the electronic means (on the email address that you provided when creating an account or making an order). The notification will be sent at least 30 days before the amendments come into force.
2. Use of Web Site
In order to browse and use the Web Site you should possess a device having an access to the Internet with a web browser installed. In order to use the Web Site and buy the products available on the Web Site you should also have an active email account.
You may browse and use the Web Site solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes and in compliance with these Terms of Use. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, publish, reuse, repost or use the Web Site or any content made available on the Web Site: (i) for public or commercial purposes without the express written permission of KRM; (ii) in a manner inconsistent with these Terms of Use; (iii) in violation of any applicable law, rule, regulation or order; or (iv) in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Web Site or interfere with any other party's use or enjoyment of the Web Site, misrepresenting or damaging to our brand.
You will not use the Web Site for junk mail, 'spamming' solicitations (commercial or non-commercial), chain letters or bulk communications of any kind, including but not limited to distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a list.
You will not transmit, distribute, introduce or otherwise make available in any manner through the Web Site any computer virus, key loggers, spyware, worms, Trojan horses, timebombs or other malicious or harmful programming (collectively, "Viruses"). You may not use the Web Site in connection with requesting, harvesting, obtaining or storing any personal information, passwords, account information or information about other users of the Web Site. You may not use any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools in connection with the Web Site. If you download software or any other content from the Web Site, you do so at your own risk.
3. Copyright and Trademarks
The Web Site and all text, audio, video, pictures, music, images, graphics, information, data, content, and other material displayed on, or downloadable from, the Web Site (the "Content") are the property of, or used with permission by, KRM and/or ECCO Sko A/S and are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws and may not be used except as permitted in these Terms of Use or with the prior written permission of the owner of such material. You may not modify the Content in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform, distribute or otherwise use any such Content for any public or commercial purpose. Any unauthorized use of any Content may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, laws of privacy and publicity, or other laws, rules and regulations. You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from the Web Site or any Content. All rights to Content not expressly granted herein are reserved by and to the respective owners of such Content.
Certain trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos, icons and domain names used or displayed on the Web Site are registered and unregistered trademarks, trade names and service marks owned by ECCO Sko A/S and/or our affiliates. Other trademarks, trade names and service marks used or displayed on the Web Site are the registered and unregistered trademarks, trade names and service marks owned by their respective owners and used with permission by KRM. Nothing contained on the Web Site grants or should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademarks, trade names, service marks or logos displayed on the Web Site without KRM's written permission or the written permission of such third-party owner.
4. User Communications
You alone are responsible for any communication, message or other content that you post, upload, submit, transmit or share with KRM on the Web Site or by electronic mail, including without limitation any data, questions, comments, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, suggestions or the like (collectively "User Communications"). By transmitting or posting any User Communications, you represent and warrant that such User Communications are your own original work and will not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, trade secret, rights of privacy, rights of publicity or any other applicable laws. KRM does not endorse or sponsor any such User Communications submitted by you or other users of the Web Site. We reserve the right to terminate and/or deny you access to the Web Site if you are violating these Terms of Use, or applicable law, rule, regulation or order or that your conduct is harmful to us, our interests or the interests of another user, a third-party provider, merchant, sponsor, licensor, service provider or any other third party.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in our Privacy Policy (linked at the bottom of each page in the Web Site), all User Communications will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. Accordingly, please do not post, upload, submit or share any User Communications you wish to be kept confidential or for which you expect compensation, acknowledgment or attribution. You hereby grant to KRM and our affiliates and/or designees, a perpetual, fully paid up, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide license to the User Communications to use, transmit, copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and prepare derivate works based upon such User Communications in any and all media now known or hereafter to become known for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes, without the need for any acknowledgment, compensation or attribution. You declare and warrant to us that you are entitled to transmit or post User Communications to the Web Site and have all relevant licenses and consents from any relevant third parties. Further, KRM and its affiliates are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any User Communication you send to the Web Site for any purpose whatsoever including without limitation developing, manufacturing and marketing products.
You are prohibited from posting, uploading, submitting, sharing or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, infringing, libellous, defamatory, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or would otherwise violate the law. KRM will fully cooperate with any law enforcement or regulatory authorities or court order requesting or directing it to disclose the identity of anyone posting any such information or materials.
We will, but are not obligated to, monitor or review any User Communications. We shall have no obligation to use, return, review, or respond to any User Communications. We act merely as a medium for distribution of User Communications and will have no liability related to the content of any such User Communications, whether or not arising under the laws of copyright, libel, privacy, obscenity, or otherwise. You agree to notify KRM of any objectionable User Communications. All and any User Communication will be removed from the Web Site as soon as we learn about its unlawful character.
5. Personal Information/Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy
We value your privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy (linked at the bottom of each page in the Web Site) for details about what information we collect on this Web Site and how we process, store and share such information.
6. Termination/Suspension
We may suspend or terminate your use of the Web Site at any time, for important reasons such as the site being hacked, discovery of technical issues which could be a potential issue to our customers or in case you don´t comply with the Terms of Use. We reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspect of the Web Site at any time without notice.
7. Linking
This Web Site may contain links to other web sites that are not owned, operated or controlled by KRM or its affiliates (each a "Third-Party Site"). All such links to Third-Party Sites are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, you will leave our Web Site. We are not responsible for your access to or use of any Third-Party Site. We do not endorse, guarantee, or make any representations or warranties regarding any Third-Party Site, or any content or information accessible from such Third Party Sites, or the results that you may obtain from using any Third-Party Site. If you access any Third-Party Site linked to or from the Web Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.
If you intend to create any link from another web site to any page on this Web Site, you will inform us via email at: kundenbetreuung.at@ecco.com
We reserve the right to prohibit any such link at any time. Any permitted links to the Web Site must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and our internal policies. Running or displaying the Web Site or any Content in frames or similar means on another web site without our prior written permission is prohibited.
7. Governing Law and venue
We provide the services of this Web Site from our offices within Switzerland. We make no representation that the content on our Web Site is appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, without giving effect to its conflicts of law provisions. A printed version of these Terms of Use will be admissible in judicial and administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these Terms of Use to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use, your use of the Web Site shall be settled by the competent courts of Switzerland
Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms of Use, KRM may commence suit in court to enjoin infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights or confidential information.
8. Remedies for Breach of these Terms by You
Without limiting any other rights or remedies, in the event that KRM determines, that you have breached any portion of these Terms of Use, or have otherwise demonstrated inappropriate conduct, KRM reserves the right, in particular, to (i) warn you via e-mail that you have violated these Terms of Use; (ii) delete any content provided by you or your agent(s) to the Web Site; (iii) discontinue your access to the Web Site, (iv) notify and/or send content to and/or fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities for further action;.
If your ability to access and/or use the Web Site or any other service provided to you by KRM is discontinued by us hereunder, then you agree that you shall not attempt to re-register with or access the Web Site, any other service provided by KRM, through use of a different member name or otherwise.
9. Copyright Complaints
We respect the intellectual property of others, and we expect users of the Web Site to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on our Web Site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify our designated Copyright Agent at the address mentioned at the top of these Terms of Use or at email; KRM@legal.com
We recommend that the claims of copyright infringement be in writing and include the following information: (i) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; (ii) a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, including the URL (i.e., web page address) of the location where the copyrighted work exists or a copy of the copyrighted work; (iii) identification of the URL or other specific location on our Web Site where the material that you claim is infringing your copyright interest is located; (iv) your address, telephone number, and email address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (vi) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
10. Children
Access to and use of the Web Site is made available only to people who can form legally binding agreements under applicable law. The Web Site is intended for a general audience and is not intended to be used by minor children. Children accessing the Web Site should obtain the permission and assistance of a parent or legal guardian. If you allow your minor child or a child for whom you are a legal guardian (a "Minor"), to access the Web Site, you will be solely responsible for: (i) the online conduct of such Minor; (ii) monitoring such Minor's access to and use of the Web Site; and (iii) the consequences of any use of the Web Site by such Minor.
11. Miscellaneous
In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use conflicts with applicable law, rule, regulation or order or if any provision is held invalid by a court with competent jurisdiction, then the issue regulated by such invalid provision will be settled in the manner that would take into account your interests., and the remainder of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect. Any failure by KRM to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of the Terms of Use or to exercise any right under the Terms of Use will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of KRM's right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any other instance, rather, the same will be and remain in full force and effect.
You represent to KRM that you have the authority to access and use the Web Site according to these Terms of Use.
Retournieren Ihrer Ware
- Die Produkte müssen innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Erhalt der Lieferung zurückgegeben werden.
- Produkte müssen alle ursprünglichen Etiketten haben. Sie dürfen keine Gebrauchsspuren haben.
- Schuhwerk muss den originalen Schuhkarton in seinem ursprünglichen Zustand ohne Postetiketten enthalten.
- Produkte, die zu Ihnen nach Hause geliefert werden, können per Kurierdienst oder in ausgewählten ECCO-Stores zurückgegeben werden.
Die Rückgabe der im Geschäft abgeholten Produkte kann in ausgewählten ECCO-Stores erfolgen.
Wie kann ich per Kurier gelieferte Produkte zurücksenden?
Per Kurier:
Das Paket mit Ihrer Bestellung enthält: ein Etikett und ein Rücksendeformular. Wenn Sie keine Rückgabedokumente haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen die Bestellung in einem ECCO-Geschäft* zurückzugeben oder die folgenden Anweisungen zu befolgen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an die ECCO Kundenbetreuung unter der E-Mail-Adresse kundenbetreuung.at@eu.ecco.com.
- Füllen Sie das Rücksendeformular aus und geben Sie im entsprechenden Feld den Grund für die Rücksendung an. Wenn Sie kein Rücksendeformular haben, fahren Sie mit Schritt 4 fort. Das Rücksendeformular ist kein Dokument, das zur Überprüfung der Rücksendung in unserem Lager erforderlich ist.
- Legen Sie das Rücksendeformular mit dem zurückgesendeten Artikel in die Mitte der Box.
- Senden Sie das Formular zusammen mit den zurückgegebenen Artikeln zurück.
- Kleben Sie das bereits bezahlte Austrian Post Rücksendeetikett auf das Paket (bitte kleben Sie das Rücksendeetikett nicht auf den Originalschuhkarton).
- Bringen Sie das Paket zum nächstgelegenen Austrian Post-Stelle, die Sie hier finden.
Im ECCO Store:
Bringen Sie das Paket zum nächstgelegenen ausgewählten ECCO-Store.
Für im Online-Shop gekaufte Produkte bereiten Sie die Bestellnummer vor beginnend mit SO-XXXXXX, die Sie in der E-Mail mit der Auftragsbestätigung finden.
Wie können Sie Produkte zurückgeben, die im ECCO-Store abgeholt wurden?
Im ECCO-Store:
Bringen Sie das Paket zum nächstgelegenen ausgewählten ECCO-Store.
Für im Online-Shop gekaufte Produkte bereiten Sie die Bestellnummer vor beginnend mit SO-XXXXXX, die Sie in der E-Mail mit der Auftragsbestätigung finden.
Rücksendungen können einige Zeit dauern
Wenn die Rücksendung per Kurier erfolgt, teilen wir Ihnen mit, dass es etwa 10 Arbeitstage dauern kann, bis die von Ihnen zurückgesendete Ware unser Lager erreicht. Wir empfehlen, das im Paket enthaltene voraus bezahlte Rücksendeetikett zu verwenden und die Sendungsverfolgungsnummer zu speichern, die als Nachweis für den Versand dient, falls Ihr Paket während des Transports verloren geht. Wenn wir Ihre Sendung erhalten, erhalten Sie auch eine E-Mail, in der die Annahme der Rücksendung bestätigt wird.
Sobald wir die Rücksendung erhalten, erstatten wir den Kaufbetrag auf demselben Konto, von dem die Zahlung getätigt wurde. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es 3 bis 7 Arbeitstage dauern kann, bis der zurückerstattete Betrag auf Ihrem Bankkonto sichtbar sein wird. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung über die Transaktion.
Ihre Bank benötigt möglicherweise einige zusätzliche Tage, um Informationen von uns zu erhalten, um Geld von der Transaktion auf Ihr Konto zu verarbeiten und zu überweisen.
Bitte beachten Sie
- Wenn Sie das vorausbezahlte Rücksendeetikett nicht verwenden, sind Sie für die Ware verantwortlich, bis sie unser Lager erreicht.
- Wenn Sie einen defekten / falschen Artikel oder ein beschädigtes Paket mit fehlenden Artikeln erhalten, benötigen wir gegebenenfalls Fotos zur Dokumentation. Bitte senden Sie das Foto an uns, so dass wir den Fall weiterbearbeiten können.
- Produkte, die Gebrauchsspuren aufweisen: Waschen, Reinigen, Biegen, Ausfransen, Schmutz werden auf Gefahr des Absenders versandt und unterliegen nicht dem automatischen Rückerstattungsprozess.